Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thought for Thursday {2012}

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After a nice chat with my dear friend Kelly today, I've decided that 2012 is going to be an awesome year! The best year yet! She helped me realize that I have so much to look forward to, so many adventures awaiting me and so many things to accomplish!

This year, I do want to be happy - in every aspect of my life. And I want to make those around me happy as well. I want my happiness to shine through for all to see. I want to be confident - in the decisions I make, the dreams I pursue and in who I am. I want to be a confident woman that our girls can learn from.

I want to continue to live this unique life I've been handed - with these incredible people. I can't wait to see what's in store for all of us this year. I want to worry less about the things I have no control over and focus more on all the many blessings that our family has. I want to focus on being the best role model I can be to my step-kids. And be able to sleep easy at night knowing I've done my very best.

2012 is going to be a whirlwind of a year. I have so many goals and dreams and hopes and plans. I foresee some life changing events for our little family in 2012. And I know there are lots of adventures to be had.

So this year, I'm going to be myself and live our life. And forget what other people say or think or do. Get past the negativity and those trying to bring us down. I'm going to live the story that no one else can - our story.

Well, welcome to the first Thursday in 2012! So happy to see everyone back here, safe and sound! What's on your mind this Thursday? Make sure you link up below, grab a button and spread the word. I would love to see Thought for Thursday make a huge appearance around the blog world this year!

Elf House Chronicles


  1. I love your positive outlook for 2012! I hope it's your best year yet!!

  2. There ya go! You've got so many great things that will happen this year, don't let the stinkers take that away from you. It's going to be a great year! And if the going ever gets tough, you have a friend that's just a chat window away. *hug*

  3. Oh I adore your line: "I'm going to live the story that no one else can - our story."

  4. Hi love,
    Submitted a "Thought for Thursday" and I don't see it come up...but I'm joining in!!!
    Here's my posty:

  5. Great post and link up, as always !!!!

    Claire x
