Monday, July 11, 2011

The Grass is Greener in My Front Yard....

I had my first experience this weekend of having the kids all by myself! My dear Mister headed out to a Rangers baseball game in Dallas and I had the kiddos. I can't say it was all that difficult - only because we spent the day at ... wait for it... the ball park. Are you surprised? The 14-year-old played 5 games of softball Saturday (in the 100+) degree heat. So we were at the fields until about 11:30 p.m. and back home by 12:30 a.m. We made it through the whole day without any instances, injuries, badly hurt feelings - I got everyone fed, bathed and in bed. So, if I say so myself, I would say the day was a success.

Courtney & Derrick

The rest of the weekend was nice. My favorite part of the weekend was spending some time, sitting out on my freshly mowed grass with my honey. Strange as it may sound, it was nice to relax in the shade and take a few minutes to catch up and enjoy hanging out (not to mention, the house was full of kids)!  Sometimes we find it hard to find the time to cross paths to actually 'catch up' - so we enjoy the moments when we get to.

I'm trying to make some healthier and better choices for my life. I've set some small goals to work towards. I'm planning on trying to take time to go on walks in the evenings and take the pooches. I figure we could all use the exercise and it's a nice way to relax and unwind.

I'm also trying to cut back my television watching dramatically. I'm attempting to limit myself to 2 hours a night. I'm hoping this will give me more time to work on the blog, my crafts and actually enjoy some of these awesome e-courses I've won in the last month (more on those later).

I'm also working on my attitude and mind set. I know a lot of you read about my struggles at work, but after taking a long weekend, I really had a lot of time to think about things. I know I'm the master of my own attitude and I can only feel how I let others make me feel. I still feel like I'm in a toxic environment, but I know that I can stay positive and keep my chin up, because at this point, I have more people to think about then just myself. So, until D and I get to point where I can make the life changes that I want to make, I will survive.

Hopefully later this week I will have some big news I'm finally able to 'officially' share! I have a lot of anxiety and excitement and I don't know how long I can contain it all!

Hope everyone has had a beautiful Monday!!

Lots of Love...

~Manda Jane~

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